Creative Lunch works on how to describe something

Wednesday every day it seems. Time flies when you are busy doing what you love. Today we met for Creative Lunch at our favorite cafe run by some gorgeous Greeks.

We used two inspirational assignments from Min roman. En steg för steg guide till att skriva en roman again today. I like them. They are simple. They are fun. And they really get your brain going.

For those of you who’ve followed the blog, you know that I have a motto called “rest, work and adventure”. What I mean is that you need to work from rest, and then you need an adventure or one challenge everyday to grow.

On Monday I challenged myself to show a few songs I’ve written to a musician friend of mine. I was dead scared, but I survived. She was really encouraging, but as I looked at the text again, while singing them, I noticed that there were many ideas and feelings in the song that could be developed.

Therefore, I decided to work on that in our Creative Lunch community today. The whole group seemed to like the assignments.

And I mean, who wouldn’t like to describe their bathroom cabinet in detail?

And what is there not to like about describing the world from the perspective of a pair of shoes? 🙂

Have a fun week, people!


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